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Snorkel Maui: Social Distancing Activities To Do During COVID-19 Quarantine


With the majority of the United States under a stay-at-home order, I’m sure you’re wondering if it’s ok to go outside or even walk around your local park or beaches. While every state has mandated different orders, we thought we would put a list together for you of different activities you might be able to do (depending on your location) that have minimal people around. Most people start to get a little restless after staying home for weeks, but getting outside and enjoying some fresh air can really do they body and mind some good!

There is something to be said about getting outside and feeling the sun on your skin after being cooped up for so long. Vitamin D is great for us and can really help boost our immune systems. If you happen to have a furry friend, this is also a great time to get them out of the house. We know it is very important to social distance ourselves right now, but going for a walk or hike can still be done safely. Just remember to maintain a 6-foot distance between others and  implement the same rules that you use indoors while you’re outdoors. We recommend visiting parks near your home so that you can limit travel time. Whether your new to your neighborhood or have lived at the same residence for 20 years, this is a great time to get out and and learn new things about your surrounding area.

Depending on your location, swimming may be a great activity that is available to you. Since we have been getting so much rest recently, the great thing about swimming is its ability to get you tired fast and prepare you for another 10 hours (or more!) of rest. Just like with walking or hiking, just remember to keep a 6-foot distance between others. As we mentioned before, every state has different orders so it is important to check and make sure this activity is approved.

Maybe the weather hasn’t been so great where you live and it’s not feasible to get outside… One great activity that has been quite a quarantine hit is putting together a jigsaw puzzle! Once you get started on one it is hard to stop! They can really be quite addicting. The great thing about puzzles is you can trade! Send your friends and neighbors a message and offer a safe way of doing a puzzle swap to keep your addiction going.

Not everyone has a green thumb, but maybe now is the time to learn! Gardening can really help relieve stress AND get you out of the house. Watching a garden grow and flourish is quite rewarding. Luckily there are a ton of apps and websites available to help you achieve the garden of your dreams. Not only is gardening therapeutic, but it also can provide you with fresh herbs and vegetables that you may have not been able to find in the grocery store. No yard? Try using the cuttings from your vegetables and herbs and grow them in your windowsill.

Have there been some home improvements you have been putting off? Maybe you have a fixer upper with endless projects (like me) or you’re just looking to spruce something up and change it to your liking, either way, now is the time! Shiplap is a fun and easy way to change up a room (and is also cost-efficient). A fresh layer of paint on a wall can really add some zazz, or even ordering a new canvas print to fill some empty wall space. Macrame is another great way to add some character to your home and you can even order kits online that will teach you how to make your own.

Whatever it is you decide to do during this COVID_19 quarantine, we just want you to remain safe and healthy. The better we are about following the guidelines during this pandemic, the faster we are to getting back to our norm. So enjoy those walks or bicycle rides outside, just remember to stay 6-feet away and to be mindful of your surroundings.

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